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True Words Spoken

Some meaningful comments from participants at our Syria, VA Retreat last week. Be Well! Fish On!

“I returned home emotionally drained but renewed and full of life because of the wonderful experience I had with all of you this week. Words simply cannot express the impact you all had on my life. You have given me hope. I will never forget it nor any of you for the remainder of my days. Thank you all.”

“I am not even going to try express how meaningful my two days with your team and my new brothers were to me. I left with a refreshed perspective and knowing I am not alone.”

“As I was driving home, I felt this sensation of deep calm come over me, which honestly I can’t remember feeling since I was first diagnosed. It was very powerful and I am still feeling the warmth, encouragement and kindness from everyone at the retreat. Thank you to all my Brothers for your love and support.”

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